Thursday, May 30, 2013

When Jarred was Gone

I haven't written a post in like 2 months so there's a lot of catching up to do...but we'll do it slowly :-)

Jarred made a trip back to VA right after Easter for two weeks. Kinsley was not very happy that daddy had to leave and she tried to convince him to stay by boycotting his suitcase...

Here's Miss Rae in her pretty little Easter dress!!

While he was gone, my grandma, mom and beautiful friend Megan helped me watch Kinsley during the day.

The first week he was gone, grandma watched Kins monday-wednesday and then mom got here!! She took a very flattering picture of little miss...

But, the real reason that mom came in was for grandma's 75th birthday!!! As part of her birthday, my grandpa treated grandma, my mom, my aunt and myself to pull mani-pedi's :-) haha...awkward pic of my feeties :-) haha!

Grandpa had scheduled a giant surprise party at the house for grandma so we partied all afternoon long. And the next day, we got some Applebees to celebrate more :-)